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Examples of errors detected by the V104…

Examples of errors detected by the V1048 diagnostic

V1048. Variable 'foo' was assigned the same value.


V1048 [CWE-1164] The 'ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState' variable was assigned the same value. libopenrct2ui CustomListView.cpp 510

void CustomListView::MouseUp(....)
  if (!ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState)
    ColumnHeaderPressed = std::nullopt;
    ColumnHeaderPressedCurrentState = false;


V1048 [CWE-1164] The 'm_next[0][0]' variable was assigned the same value. qpathclipper_p.h 301

class QPathEdge
  int m_next[2][2];

inline QPathEdge::QPathEdge(int a, int b)
    : flag(0)
    , windingA(0)
    , windingB(0)
    , first(a)
    , second(b)
    , angle(0)
    , invAngle(0)
    m_next[0][0] = -1;
    m_next[1][0] = -1;
    m_next[0][0] = -1;
    m_next[1][0] = -1;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V1048 [CWE-1164] The 'm_next[1][0]' variable was assigned the same value. qpathclipper_p.h 302


V1048 The 'ret' variable was assigned the same value. sf_snort_plugin_loop.c 142 V1048 The 'ret' variable was assigned the same value. sf_snort_plugin_loop.c 148

int LoopInfoInitialize(...., Rule *rule, LoopInfo *loopInfo)
  int ret;

  /* Initialize the dynamic start, end, increment fields */
  ret = DynamicElementInitialize(rule, loopInfo->start);
  if (ret)
    return ret;

  ret = DynamicElementInitialize(rule, loopInfo->end);
  if (ret)
    return ret;

  ret = DynamicElementInitialize(rule, loopInfo->increment);
  if (ret)
    return ret;


V1048 The 'st.total_wanted' variable was assigned the same value. torrent.cpp 3784

void torrent::bytes_done(torrent_status& st, status_flags_t const flags) const
  st.total_done = 0;
  st.total_wanted_done = 0;
  st.total_wanted = m_size_on_disk;
  if (m_seed_mode || is_seed())
    st.total_done = m_torrent_file->total_size() - m_padding_bytes;
    st.total_wanted_done = m_size_on_disk;
    st.total_wanted = m_size_on_disk;
  else if (!has_picker())
    st.total_done = 0;
    st.total_wanted_done = 0;
    st.total_wanted = m_size_on_disk;


V1048 The 'mVSOutPosition' variable was assigned the same value. OgreShaderExTriplanarTexturing.cpp 168

void TriplanarTexturing::copyFrom(....)
  const TriplanarTexturing& rhsTP =
    static_cast<const TriplanarTexturing&>(rhs);

  mPSOutDiffuse = rhsTP.mPSOutDiffuse;
  mPSInDiffuse = rhsTP.mPSInDiffuse;

  mVSInPosition = rhsTP.mVSInPosition;   // <=
  mVSOutPosition = rhsTP.mVSOutPosition; // <=

  mVSOutNormal = rhsTP.mVSOutNormal;
  mVSInNormal = rhsTP.mVSInNormal;
  mPSInNormal = rhsTP.mPSInNormal;

  mVSInPosition = rhsTP.mVSInPosition;   // <=
  mVSOutPosition = rhsTP.mVSOutPosition; // <=

A classic copy-paste typo. The same value is assigned to the member variables twice.


V1048 [CWE-1164] The 'retVal' variable was assigned the same value. Module.cpp 129

bool NativeModule::getSymbolInfo(....) const
  bool retVal = false;
    retVal = getLibNameFromId(libId, libs, libName);
    if (!retVal)
      LOG_ERR("fail to get library name");
    retVal = true;
  } while (false);
  return retVal;